Christian: So how did you guys first get together?
White Denim: Our old bands, Parque Touch (Josh, James and Lucas) and Peach Train (Steve) played together back in 2005 and Lucas got Steve in on bass. Then Lucas moved to Russia and we changed our name to White Denim.
Christian: Who would you cite as your main influences?
White Denim: We’re all really into Captain Beefheart, Jimi Hendrix Experience, XTC, Stevie Wonder and all that kinda stuff.
Christian: If you could learn a new instrument for the next album what would it be?
Christian: When I caught you in Bristol you were so energetic, any secrets on this?
White Denim: Coffee’s a big thing for the band. I think maybe a lack of energy we have throughout the day in our tour contributes though. It’s only really those 40mins while we’re on stage that we really move. So it all kinda builds up throughout the day.
Christian: Any tips or advice for the students of Newcastle and Northumbria University?
White Denim: Just try to finish, because it gets tough. I don’t know I think going to class always helps, 3 years into university I figured that out.
Christian: Any wild stories you want to tell of previous experiences in the U.K?
White Denim: Chicken fights where Steve (bassist) lost his wallet, that was a big one. In Nottingham there was some nonchalant throwing up. In Glasgow actually one of us threw up in a box, only to find it had been taken a few hours later.
Christian: Next time you’re in the U.K are there any bands you aspire to tour with?
White Denim: There are a lot of great bands, a well established band like Stereolab would be good. Or Rob Wyatt would be cool to play with, if he’ll have us.
Christian: Which bands should be checking out at the moment then?
White Denim: Dirty Projectors are a great band. Harlem are another band, they’re from Austin and haven’t had too much exposure yet.
Christian: Complete the sentence, you should be in a band because….
White Denim: James: You learn a lot about yourself when trying to write music
Josh: It makes you better at maths
Steve: There aren't enough good bands out there, we need more.
Christian: Thanks for the chat White Denim
White Denim: Thanks alot.
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